Poverty reduction and other social goals. Economic development cannot be achieved and meaningful without the participation and empowerment of women which is about half proportion of the total population. This paper will examine the status of labor force and increasing rate of the female labor participation into the labor market. It also examines the reason (opportunity cost) why women are now thinking to work instead of to be housewives. Women are the important segment of the human resources of any country . In the past, they were confined to home and hearth in child bearing and rearing. Traditionally there roles were limited to the domestic roles of a daughter, wife or mother in the family. Economically and socially they were dependent on men at all stages. As a result half of the manpower resources remained dormant.
But during the last few decades society has changed enormously both socially and technologically. These changes have pulled the women from home into the labor market. A large number of women are engaged paid jobs outside home. Women want to build up there career, to contribute comfort to the family. So many women are becoming visible in the work places.
The rising trend in female labor force participation around the world has caught attention of social scientists, economists and policy makers. Specially, they search what are the factors influencing for this participation at different country.
Later Spencer (1973) made a more comprehensive study in which he included some other factors which he thought to be the most important in view of the continuing very substantial increase in the labor force participation of women that is religious affiliation of the wife, married women, number of live born children, wife’s place of birth, wife’s age at the time of immigration, pregnancy and labor force of husband.
Another study by Gronau (1976) based on U.S data also supported that above findings. However, it was observed that husband’s wage per hour; unearned family income had negative impact while work experience had positive influence on wife’s labor market participation. Wife’s education was reported here to have negative effect, which was conflicting with the earlier finding.
A number of micro- studies have been studied to show the the relationship between female labor force participation and fertility.The main objectives of this paper is to examines and compare the position of women in the labor market with that of men and to trace out the women’s view moving from household work to job in the labor market. The term paper is mainly based on annual data of the different period.Labor Force Survey, publications & books, web site etc. This source provides an opportunity to evaluate the status of changes in the labor market and especially the changing patterns of the women contribution in the labor force participation.